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Mr. Kornfeld's

Science 8

Course Syllabus


Your assignments are broken up into three categories:

Projects 40%

News Summary: 30 points (2 per month)Every other week students will read a news article and write 2 paragraphs (a summary and reflection) and submit to Google Class, students will head to the park and present their summaries to the group.


Google Forms: 10 points (2 per month)

Alternating weeks with News Summaries, students will log into Google Class to complete a 5 question survey about what they are currently learning.



Classwork 40%

Interactive Sketch Notes: 150 points (1 per quarter)​ 

Graded on their warm ups, sketch notes, writing, and content​.


Labs: 20 points (2-4 per month)

Graded on execution, following procedures, and positive group chemistry.


Design Challenges: 30 points (once a month) Students will be asked to design a poster or project related to what we are learning in class.





Exams 20%

Quizzes: 10-20 points (2 per month)

5-10 questions graded in class.  These will be open note quizzes to reward those paying attention in class.


Exams: 100 points (1 per month)

40 points will be online focused on vocabulary and context, 60 points will be based on 2 short written answer and annotated sketches.


Note: all students will be able to retake the multiple choice section of the test once.  I will then take their best of the 2 scores for the grade book.


Grading Scheme:


100-90% = A          89-80% = B          79-70% = C          69-60% = D          <59% = F




Course Description:


Unit 0 - Launch: This 2 week introductory unit covers the engineering design process and cause and effect, while intentionally building a classroom community to facilitate management and learning for the year.


Unit 1 - Sound, Wave Behavior: This 4 week unit focuses on understanding how sound waves behave in different mediums.


Unit 2 - Light and Electromagnetic Forces: This 4 week unit focuses on understanding how light waves behave in different mediums.


Unit 3 - Forces and Motion: This 6 week unit investigates the motion of objects to generate design solutions for collisions.


Unit 4 - Space and Gravity: This 5 week unit has students apply their knowledge of space and gravity to develop a flight plan for a one way trip to the moon.


Unit 5 - Natural Selection and Extinction: This 5 week unit allows students to analyze human impacts on Earth and how events in Earth’s history are organized relative to one another using the geologic time scale.


Unit 6 - Kinetic Fabrications: This final unit will focus on simple machines and how we can build moving machines to solve a real world problem.




Class Policies:


  1. Follow directions quickly

  2. Raise your hand for permission to speak or leave your seat

  3. Make smart choices

  4. Keep your dear teacher happy




Class Expectations:


  • Be RESPECTFUL of ALL people and property.

  • Be PRODUCTIVE and EFFICIENT with your time.

  • Be HELPFUL to yourself and those around you.

  • Be in class ON TIME, in your seat, prepared with materials, and ready to actively engage.

  • Be SAFE at all times.

  • Be PRESENT in the classroom and leave all outside drama, concerns, and problems for future you to deal with later.




Class Materials:


Provided, but recommended to have your own:

  • composition books, pencils, coloring pencils, highlighter, glue sticks, pencil sharpener (with shaving collector), and eraser. 




Graded Work:


All work must be titled and contain their full name, date, and period.  Points will be deducted if the work is not complete.  All homework should be completed through Google Classroom.  Please check the rubrics for each assignment found both in Google Class and on this website.  

Late Work:


​Since all work can be turned in online and students will have 2 weeks to complete each assignment, there should be no need for late work to be accepted.  However, I will accept any and all late work up to 1 week after the assignment is due for half credit. After that, the student can submit late work but it will only be worth 1 point and a high five for completion.  




Enrichment Opportunities:


At any time in the year, up to 1 week before grades are due, students may complete a science activity out of the classroom and submit a 1-page response teaching me what they learned.  This activity could be going to a hands on science museum (staple receipt), creating a lab, or watching an hour long Netflix show.  To submit a response they can type up their learning, create a graphics notes sketch page, or create a YouTube video teaching me what they learned. 




Academic Integrity Policy:


Students are expected to do their own work. This includes classwork and homework. Just copying 1 answer is still cheating, as is using another’s words without citation. Copied work will be confiscated; you and the student you are copying from will receive a 0. Please review Academic Integrity section of the student handbook.




Sign for Consent:


Once you and your parents/guardians have read the Syllabus closely and understand the terms, please sign by filling out the google form below.  


NOTE: All Google assignments must be completed under your school email address.  Please sign into google to access the link below.


please sign together. 
Access codes to Google Class are written on the paper Syllabus*
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